
Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities

The Hobart Clinic is committed to providing you with the very best care. The following is an outline of your rights and responsibilities as a patient in our hospital ensuring that you receive the very best care possible from appropriately qualified and experienced staff.

If during your stay, you or your family have any concerns, in the first instance, please direct them to the Nursing Unit Manager or the Director of Nursing, so that your concerns can be resolved as quickly as possible

The Hobart Clinic commits to the rights listed in the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights. These are: access, safety, respect, communication, participation, privacy and comment.

You have the right to…

Considerate and respectful care, regardless of your beliefs and ethnic, cultural and religious practices.

  • be treated with care, consideration and dignity
  • receive holistic, evidence-based care
  • access to an interpreter
  • be informed of the estimated costs charged by the hospital before your treatment begins
  • confidentiality and privacy concerning your medical care, including examination, consultations and treatment are confidential. No information or records pertaining to your care will be released without your permission, or the permission of your representative, unless such a release is required or authorised by law or necessary to enable another health care worker to assist with your care
  • have the details of your condition and treatment kept confidential and private, unless the law requires otherwise
  • your consent is required before any treatment begins, and you may withdraw your consent at any time and refuse further treatment. Your treating psychiatrist will discuss with you the consent process, so that you are fully informed of what options are
  • know the identity and functions of other healthcare professionals who are involved in providing care
  • receive clear information from your treating Psychiatrist about your illness, its likely course, the expected treatment, possible side effects or risks
  • you have the right to receive information about plans for discharge from the hospital and your follow up care
  • to participate in decisions affecting your healthcare and actively contribute to your care plan
  • be informed if your proposed treatment is experimental or part of medical research or teaching. You can refuse to take part in such treatment, and you will still receive appropriate care
  • ask for a second opinion about your treatment, except in emergency situations
  • ask to review your medical record
  • retain and use your personal clothing and possessions as space permits, unless to do so would infringe on the rights of other patients or unless medically contra-indicated
  • expect safety where practices and environment are concerned
  • seek support from advocacy services
  • make a comment or complaint about the treatment or the quality of the health services or care without fear that you will be discriminated against
  • privacy for visits during established patient visiting hours
  • have your dietary and other special needs considered.

You can access our Privacy Policy here.

Other information about your healthcare rights is available from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare, under ‘Information on My Healthcare Rights’.  The Hobart Clinic encourages you to access this information, which is available in ‘easy english’ posters and videos, which also includes an Auslan version.

Your Responsibilities as a Patient

You have the responsibility to:

  • please be considerate and respectful towards other patients, visitors and our staff
  • respect the privacy and confidentiality of other patients. It is illegal to disclose any information about another patient’s presence in the hospital or their treatment. This includes verbal and digital communication as well as the use of photographs, videos, etc. and information published online and/or via any social media platform. Violations will be taken seriously and may lead to the discharge of the offending patient and potential exclusion from The Hobart Clinic in the future
  • please provide accurate and complete information about your health, including your present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalisations, medications and other matters relating to your health. Please answer questions about your health honestly and tell your health professional if you are consulting or receiving treatment from someone else for the same condition
  • report unexpected changes in your condition to your treating Psychiatrist and or healthcare team
  • report if you do not comprehend a contemplated course of action or what is expected of you
  • follow the treatment plan recommended by your treating Psychiatrist. This may include following instructions of nurses and allied health personnel as they carry out the coordinated plan of care and implement the responsible practitioner’s orders
  • please keep appointments, or advise those concerned if you are unable to attend
  • provide information concerning your ability to pay for services
  • accept the consequences of your actions if your refuse treatment or do not follow the practitioner’s instructions
  • be considerate of the rights of other patients and health care facility personnel and for assistance in the control of noise, smoking and numbers of visitors
  • be respectful of the property of other persons and of the health care facility
  • please let health care professionals know if you decide not to follow the treatment offered, or if you wish to leave the Clinic
  • please ask questions about your health care and treatment and discuss any problems or issues that may affect your health with your health care team
  • please ensure your actions do not compromise the safety of yourself, other patients, visitors or staff
  • please let health care professionals know if your religious or cultural beliefs make it difficult for you to have the recommended treatment

Information on ‘My Healthcare Rights’

My Healthcare Rights

My Healthcare Rights’ – Easy English version

‘My Healthcare Rights’ – video or Auslan video


Health Complaints Commission

The Tasmanian Health Complaints Commissioner is an independent officer appointed by the Governor. The Commissioner acts independently, impartially and in the public interest. The Commission’s service is free.

If you believe your complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved with the health service, The Hobart Clinic encourages you to contact the Commission.

Their contact details are: